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Equipment and special features

Our premises extend over 1000 m² and include a medical training area with equipment suitable for rehabilitation, as well as state-of-the-art technical pain medicine equipment.

The heart of the Trinicum Rehabilitation Centre is the training therapy area embedded in the medical centre, which has all the facilities available in line with the state of modern rehabilitation.
Our training offers:
  • complete equipment with medical certified training devices
  • pain medical equipment: high intense laser systems, shock waves, spineliner, medimouse, magnetic field therapy, galileo
  • group rooms
  • lounge/recreation room
  • massage and infusion therapy

Arrange your appointment

Our rehab consultant is available to you as a direct contact person and will be happy to inform you about all the possibilities of outpatient rehab with us. Make an appointment for a free consultation at 01/907 6030-22 or at any time using the following contact form.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

Arrange your appointment

Contact form
