Frequently asked questions about IV nutrition therapy

How do you recognise a nutrient deficiency? What helps with chronic iron deficiency? How can I give my body nutrients?

Frequently asked questions about IV nutrition therapy
Infusionstherapy and orthomolekular medicine
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Is a IV nutrition therapy painful?

IV nutrition therapy itself is not painful. You may just feel a slight pinch in your skin where the IV needle is inserted, which may feel unpleasant.

How long does IV nutriions therapy last?

You should allow about 30 to 50 minutes for IV nutrition therapy as the nutrients are slowly and evenly distributed in an optimal manner throughout the body. The exact duration depends on your individual supply of nutrients.

How is IV nutrition therapy different from taking nutritional supplements orally?

If you are diagnosed with a nutrient deficiency, you can treat it with IV nutrition therapy or with oral nutritional supplements.

If you take nutritional supplements orally, the nutrients enter the gastrointestinal (GI) tract directly and go through your digestive system. A large portion of the nutrients you ingest is then flushed out through the GI tract by the metabolic process.

But with IV nutrition therapy, essential nutrients enter the bloodstream directly and immediately through the veins and are distributed throughout the entire body. A much smaller portion is flushed out during the digestive process. The body therefore absorbs far more nutrients than by taking oral nutritional supplements.

Does IV nutrition therapy have any side effects?

IV nutrition therapy at Trinicum only uses nutrients that the body needs for its daily tasks and absorbs through daily food. This means that body knows how to metabolise the nutrients. Side effects are therefore very rare and mainly occur if you have an intolerance or pre-existing condition. At the Trinicum, our team identify these risk factors at your initial consultation and they are taken into account in your therapy to significantly reduce any adverse side effects.

However, it is possible that the body will not absorb all the nutrients administered. In this case, the excess nutrients are flushed out through the digestive system. 

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How do you recognise a nutrient deficiency?

Nutrient deficiency or a nutritional imbalance affects people in different ways, and the symptoms vary from mild health disorders to chronic diseases. For example, the symptoms of iron deficiency (sideropenia) include pallor, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, period pain and more.

However, a nutrient deficiency can only be diagnosed by a doctor, as this usually requires a blood sample or similar, as well as a lab analysis.


Can you treat a nutrient deficiency by yourself with over-the-counter nutritional supplements?

If you have been diagnosed with a nutrient deficiency, you should not take food supplements by yourself. This is because certain micronutrients are interrelated to other micronutrients or can only be optimally absorbed by the body together with very specific nutrients. If these interrelationships of the metabolic process are taken into account, the best possible therapeutic effect can be achieved. We therefore recommend you seek advice from a doctor who specialises in orthomolecular medicine and receive specific treatment for nutrient deficiency.

Over-the-counter supplements, which are also frequently sold at chemists, often contain very few active ingredients. Sugar or glucose, colouring agents and chemical flavours are often added to such supplements for a more appealing flavour or better appearance. But your body does not need added substances – it needs pure nutrients. So, pay attention to what is in your nutritional supplements.

We therefore recommend a targeted nutrient therapy that is tailored to you. This is the only way to treat your nutrient deficiency in a targeted and long-lasting way.

What helps with chronic iron deficiency?

A chronic nutrient deficiency is present over a prolonged period of time. This can cause physical symptoms and pain. Common symptoms of iron deficiency can include fatigue, headaches, low energy levels, dizziness and a continuing feeling of weakness.

For those who suffer from chronic iron deficiency, it is particularly important that it is treated by qualified specialists and not on your own. We also advise you to seek nutritional advice, as certain foods can greatly boost your iron intake, for example, a glass of orange juice after an iron-rich meal will improve nutrient absorption.


Book an appointment

We are available Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Give us a call on  +43 1 907 60 30 .


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


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Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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