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Pain in the Hip and Groin Area

Hip and groin pain are often described as dully piercing, frequently strongest in the morning and improving with movement and heat.

Locally, pain frequently manifests itself in the groin and side of the hips or in the back in the area of the buttocks. Arthrosis of the hip joint can also lead to pain in the lower thigh, which is sometimes falsely interpreted as knee problems.


Diagnosis and therapy

Integrative diagnostics in this case means identifying the significance of the individual factors, because often hip and groin pain has more than one cause. Only then can a targeted therapy be applied.

How can I know if I have a herniated disc?

A herniated disc generally manifests itself in several symptoms, some of which occur soon after the injury. That is why you should always consult a doctor if you have severe pain in the back, legs and hips.

An x-ray of the spine, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) can provide definitive proof.

Frequent symptoms include:

  • pain in the area of the cervical spine
  • severe pain that often radiates into the arms or legs
  • reflex and sensory dysfunction (numbness of the skin, muscle reflexes) 
  • difficulty walking
  • paralysis in the affected area
  • problems with the pelvic muscles: urine leakage, defecation problems and erectile dysfunction​

In most cases, conservative (non-surgical) measures such as medicinal therapy, physical therapy or acupuncture are suitable for achieving relief from symptoms. Surgery is only necessary in isolated cases, for instance, in cases of resistance to painkillers or when conservative treatments show no effect.

Our diagnostic procedures

Instrumental diagnostics

TrinicumDue to the high mechanical stress of the hip joint, degenerative diseases of the cartilage (arthrosis, signs of wear) are especially significant. Such degenerative processes can easily be identified through x-ray and MRT.

Depending on the indication, we at the Centre for Integrative Medicine will conduct three-dimensional spinal and joint screening using Spineliner or Medimouse.

These scanning procedures offer considerable advantages with regard to precision, objectivity and display of the measured values. The three-dimensional scanning procedure enables all spinal positions in the area, the angle of all motion segments of the thoracic and lumbar spine and the pelvic position to be precisely displayed and documented.

Manual examination

Dysfunctions of the hip joint are closely related to the lower lumbar spine and pelvic ring. However, problems with the sacroiliac joint, blockages, trigger points and spinal problems can also lead to pain in the hip area.

At the Centre for Integrative Medicine, manual examinations are performed by specially-trained manual doctors or osteopaths. Through the medical manual examination, changes in structures and tissues which do not become visible through instrument-based diagnostics can be detected and subsequently treated.


Integrative therapy

Our team possesses a special qualification in the realm of pain medicine and places great value in transdisciplinary cooperation.

Organisation & Costs
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We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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