Segmental Therapy

Segmental therapy is a manual therapy that influences the interaction of the muscles with the skin and inner organs and has a balancing effect on the vegetative nervous system.

Segmental Therapy
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Segment therapy is used in cases of:

  • pain and disorders of the spinal columneck
  • functional complaints of organs (heartburn, constipation)
  • chronic gastritis
  • asthma
  • circulatory disorders
  • headaches, migraine
  • menstrual complaints

Organisation & Costs
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Make an appointment now

You can reach us from Monday through Thursday from 9:00-6:00 and Fridays from 9:00-3:00 on the following phone number +43 1 907 60 30.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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