Sabine: Finally the joy of movement again!

Age: 49
Training dream: Finding joy in movement

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Once the start is made, physical fitness and mental ease improve rapidly. This is what I need and feel myself during Trinicum Training. As a Shiatsu practitioner, I accompany people with acute problems and their personal development. I myself need space for variety and a wide range of movement options. At Trinicum Training, I have found a place that allows me the variety between machines and free exercises. I focus on endurance and strength. In addition to targeted exercises, I also pay attention to conscious nutrition and meditation.


Training Plan


No acute complaints
Training as a balance to the job


Often strenuous work
Shiatsu practitioner
Already physically active, yoga and hiking
Wants to do something good for her body with targeted training

Trinicum Goals

Improvement in the areas of strength, coordination, and endurance
Improvement of body composition, weight loss
Improvement of posture skills

Trinicum Training Recommendation

1) Strength training on the machines to strengthen the core muscles and posture training
2) Spiroergometry to determine fat metabolism training
3) Coordination training using unstable surfaces
4) Stretching and mobilizing the shoulder girdle and thorax

To achieve improvement in the areas of strength, endurance, coordination, and flexibility, it is recommended to perform strength and coordination training twice a week and endurance training twice a week.

Goals of the Trinicum Motorik-Test:

Values of strength, flexibility, and coordination should be increased from 70% to 80%.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: office(at)

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