Fit in the office

Ailments such as tension, muscle loss and joint problems have doubled during the pandemic - with just sixteen minutes of exercise a day you can counteract these complaints.

Fit in the office
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Prevent discomfort

Due to prolonged sitting and lack of exercise, certain muscle groups tend to shorten, which can result in tension and poor posture. This is often accompanied by pain and injuries.

With just eight exercises and sixteen minutes a day you can boost your metabolism, activate the cardiovascular system and keep your body fit and healthy. You can find out more about this in the following video from Nadine Dorner, sports scientist and training therapist at TRINICUM.

Nadine Dorner

Exercise 1: Squats

With this exercise you train the thigh, buttock and calf muscles as well as the back extensor.


Exercise 2: Good Mornings

With the Good Mornings, the entire back extensor, i.e. the deep back muscles, and the back of the legs are trained.


Exercise 3: Mobilization of the cervical spine

These exercises relieve or prevent tension in the neck area, as the entire cervical spine is mobilized in all directions.


Exercise 4: Hip extension

The hip extension trains the gluteal muscles, lumbar vertebrae and the back of the legs.


Exercise 5: Push-ups

The chest muscles and the triceps are trained by push-ups, and this exercise also activates the sensors in the shoulder.


Exercise 6: Reverse Butterfly

With the Reverse Butterfly the chest is opened, the shoulders pulled back and the neck is optimally relieved.



Exercise 7: Eye training

With eye training, the eyes are protected from exhaustion due to monotonous looking.


Exercise 8: Lunge

These exercises train the thigh muscles, glutes and coordination.


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Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: office(at)

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