Manfred Lehner

Medical masseur and curative masseur, Dipl. Sports medicine supervisor

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As a certified healing masseur and sports medicine supervisor, Manfred Lehner has special competence and many years of experience in the field of sports medicine.

His massage style effectively targets tensions and blockages, never exceeding the personal pain threshold. The foundation of his work is the Classical Massage with its versatile techniques.

His specialization includes deep tissue massage, combined with techniques such as trigger point treatment or the Dorn and Breuss spinal therapy.

Manfred Lehner's special competence in the pain therapeutic area with low-level laser devices for various injuries, arthrosis, tendinopathy, skin diseases, and sports injuries enables effective and gentle treatment of complaints.

Languages: German, English

Treatment Focuses

Education and Training

Training Center Dr. Kienbacher:

  • Training as a Medical Masseur and Healing Masseur
  • Acupuncture Therapy
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Complex Physical Decongestion Therapy
  • Lymph Drainage
  • Connective Tissue Massage
  • Segment Therapy
  • Reflexology
  • Facial Massage

Additional training at the Training Center Dr. Kienbacher:

  • Training as a sports medicine supervisor
  • Electrotherapy
  • Marnitz Therapy
  • Proprioceptive Sensomotor Training
  • Spinal Therapy according to Dorn and Breuss
  • Hydro and Balneotherapy

Lomi Lomi Nui Bodywork
Austrian Society for Lomi Lomi and Bodywork


Team Physiotherapy

Team Body Therapy

Team Coaching

Team Training


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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