Sonja Pauli

Physiotherapist, pelvic floor rehabilitation

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Sonja Pauli is a physiotherapist specializing in urology, gynecology, and sexual medicine. She also works with orthopedic patients in the area of the jaw and spine.

A mindful approach and a respectful interaction are absolutely necessary for her to help her patients feel comfortable and at home in their bodies.

Languages: German, English, Portuguese

Treatment Focus

  • Pain (genital, pelvic, back, jaw)
  • Sexuality
  • Problems with arousal or orgasm
  • Painful intercourse
  • Vaginismus and erectile dysfunction
  • Support during change processes e.g., during menopause, altered body image due to surgeries, accidents, illnesses...
  • Recurring urinary tract infections
  • Voiding problems
  • Incontinence
  • Problems with bladder, bowel & sexuality in neurological diseases e.g., spinal cord injury

Training and Further Education

  • Physio Pelvica including certificate
  • Basic course in clinical sexology according to Sexocorporel i.A.
  • Transgender Health & Gender-affirmative Care
  • CRAFTA basic course
  • Visceral therapy (urogenital tract - hip/spine)
  • Respiratory physiotherapy in focus
  • Local stability according to P.E.P. - cervical spine/shoulder; lumbar spine/pelvis/hip
  • Mental Health in Physiotherapy I

Places of Activity

In addition to Trinicum, she also works in the joint practice Floridsdorf.
More information about her person, methods, and areas of focus can be found on her homepage:


Team Physiotherapy

Team Body Therapy

Team Coaching

Team Training


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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