Covid-19 Antibody

Antibody tests are used to detect antibodies from a previous virus infection.

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Antibody tests serve to detect antibodies in instances where infection with the virus has already occurred. Antibody tests seek out the defence mechanisms which circulate in the body (antibodies) rather than the virus itself.

Antibodies are only detectable after the onset of the COVID-19 illness or in later phases of the disease, or in the case of immunisation. Studies suggest that antibodies can be detected about two to three weeks after infection.

All antibody tests can be supplemented with an enhanced check-up and a micronutrient profile as desired. 

TRINICUM diagnostics

The blood samples for antibody tests are taken at the Trinicum Centre for Integrated Medicine and Pain Therapy (Zentrum für Integrative Medizin und Schmerztherapie) at Schwarzenbergplatz 6 (entry at Zaunergasse 1-3, 1030 Vienna).

An antibody test is the best option

  • for infections which have been present for at least two weeks or which have already run their course
  • to detect immunity
  • to confirm unclear or asymptomatic infections

Summary of available antibody tests:

  • Basic antibody test (WHO standard)
  • Surrogate neutralisation test (gold standard)
  • Add-ons: An enhanced check-up and immune status assessment via micronutrient profile are available for an additional charge

A blood sample is taken for the antibody test, which is then screened for coronavirus antibodies. On request, we can also check important health indicators such as your vitamin levels and the condition of your immune system. You can also combine your antibody test with a precautionary check-up or book enhanced preventive medical laboratory tests in order to detect any potential immune deficiencies in good time.

At Trinicum diagnostics we offer, among others, the surrogate neutralisation test and basic antibody test according to WHO standards. We may be able to provide additional antibody tests upon request.

Surrogate Neutralization Test

Antibodies can be quickly detected using the surrogate neutralisation test. This means of testing uses the established ELISA method. The surrogate neutralisation test is particularly suitable for detecting coronavirus infections caused by coronavirus mutations, as it also reacts to coronavirus mutations.

The surrogate neutralisation test is currently one of the most accurate antibody tests and represents the gold standard. It directly detects immunity to SARS-CoV-2, specifically the antibodies that match the spike proteins of the coronavirus. Thanks to such antibodies, the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot spread further within the body.  This means that you are currently immune to re-infection with coronavirus.

The blood samples for antibody tests are taken at the Trinicum Centre for Integrated Medicine and Pain Therapy (Zentrum für Integrative Medizin und Schmerztherapie) at Schwarzenbergplatz 6 (entry at Zaunergasse 1-3, 1030 Vienna). 

Surrogate Neutralization Test:

  • Detection method: ELISA
  • Add-ons: An enhanced check-up and immune status assessment via a micronutrient profile are available for an additional charge

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Antibody Basic Test

This antibody test is one of the so-called “mixed tests”, meaning that the antibodies are not assigned any classification such as IgM or IgG. This means of testing uses the established ELISA method.

The test result indicates whether antibodies were detected or not. Conclusions can be indirectly drawn regarding neutralising antibodies against SARS-Cov-2 viruses.

The blood samples for antibody tests are taken at the Trinicum Centre for Integrated Medicine and Pain Therapy (Zentrum für Integrative Medizin und Schmerztherapie) at Schwarzenbergplatz 6 (entry at Zaunergasse 1-3, 1030 Vienna).

Antibody Basic Test:

  • Detection method: ELISA
  • Add-ons: An enhanced check-up and immune status assessment via a micronutrient profile are available for an additional charge

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ELISA detection method

Antibody tests using the ELISA detection method are certified and validated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for antibody detection after a coronavirus infection or a COVID-19 vaccination. This is not a so-called "rapid test", but rather an "ELISA test”, which is analysed by a certified laboratory. The
detection in the sample takes place via an enzymatic colour reaction. The intensity of the colour reaction is in proportion to the concentration of antibodies.

The ELISA antibody test provides information on whether antibodies are present and how many of them were found, i.e. how high their concentration and thus how great their protective effect is.

Test result and delivery of test report

Once a blood sample has been collected, the antibody test results will usually be available within the next 5 to 7 working days, subject to technical issues or problems with the supply chain for substrates. You will receive the test result from us by email.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-36
Mail: service(at)

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