
Trinicum diagnostics or Trinicum Lab would be happy to inform you personally about the test procedure.

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1) Ordering the Family Relationship Self-Test Kit

The test kit can be ordered either through our online shop or purchased on-site at the City Test Center in the Trinicum LAB and collected there as desired. As part of the online purchase, you will receive an order and payment confirmation via email.

2) Shipping of the Family Relationship Self-Test Kit

In the case of online ordering, the self-test kit will be sent in a discreet white envelope to the contact person. A delivery time of 2 to 5 days within Austria and to Germany can be expected. The test kit includes tubes for sample collection or packaging for special samples, login data for sample registration, instructions for sample collection, and a return envelope.

3) Sample Collection

The sample collection can be conveniently done from home. Register and follow the instructions exactly for a correct result. A swab of the inner cheek with a sterile swab is sufficient. Avoid contaminations such as touching the swabs with your hands. Send the samples back to the Trinicum LAB in the return envelope.

Sample: Only oral mucosal cells are used for evaluation. Ideally, these are collected under pressure by swabbing the inside of the cheek. Special samples such as toothbrushes can also be used for sample evaluation.

4) Analysis and Evaluation

We extract DNA from the sample material and calculate the relationship of the test persons based on a comparative PCR analysis. In addition to the actual result, you will receive a detailed report that includes the method, the individual DNA profile, and the assessment of the data.

5) Transmission of the Results Report

The results report will be transmitted to the designated contact person via email within 3 to 7 working days (Mon-Fri) from receipt of the sample material for "Standard Evaluation". It is an encrypted email. The contact person will receive a code via SMS to access the email and thus the results report.

6) Data Security

Your personal data will be treated 100% confidentially while maintaining personal protection. We are committed to data protection and confidentiality, but by law, we must securely archive the results report for seven years.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-37
Mail: service(at)

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