Frequently Asked

Everything you need to know about the coronavirus, Covid-19 testing, and the antibody test.

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Which test can I take at Trinicum diagnostics?

►Trinicum diagnostics continues to test for Corona - latest subvariant EG.5 (Eris) included:
PCR rinse test available as a self-test via the webshop - direct test collection at City Test Center 1030 Vienna.

We offer different molecular genetic detection tests:

Paternity test:
City Test Center at Trinicum LAB
Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna

PCR test (Corona and Influenza):
City Test Center at Trinicum LAB
Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna

Antigen rapid test:
City Test Center at Trinicum LAB
Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna

Antibody test:
Trinicum - Center for Integrative Medicine and Pain Therapy
Zaunergasse 1-3, 1030 Vienna

Price overview of test offers

Paternity test
€ 149,-
Sample collection (buccal cells) possible at City Test Center

PCR Standard Test​
€ 35,-

PCR Rapid Test​
€ 49,-

PCR Ultra FastLane
€ 89,-

Antigen Test
€ 19,-

Special conditions: Inquiries for 1000 pieces or more: service(at)

Under what conditions can I take a Covid-19 test?

If you have symptoms such as cough, runny nose, or shortness of breath, or have lost your sense of smell and taste, please contact your treating family doctor or the general health hotline 1450.

Questions about the paternity test

  • Determination of degree of relationship
    Important information

IconOrder paternity test To the webshop →

Questions about the PCR test

PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. In this process, the DNA obtained from a swab is amplified. This allows even the smallest virus particles in the body to be detected and infections to be recognized in the early stages.

We perform the PCR test using a throat swab (gold standard). This is currently the safest and most reliable test method to diagnose an infection in the early stages.

When is a PCR test useful?

The PCR test is suitable for detecting a current infection. A PCR test does not provide information about past Covid-19 infections.

Is the PCR test painful?

With proper collection, a nasopharyngeal swab is not painful. However, the swab must be inserted deep into the nasal/pharyngeal cavity, which can be somewhat uncomfortable to ensure the test result is accurate.

How much does a PCR test cost?

The PCR standard test costs €49 including the result, and in the Ultra Fast Lane, the cost is €89 including the result. Medical certificates can be issued for an additional fee of €30.

IconPCR test Learn more →

Questions about the antibody test

What is an antibody test?

An antibody test looks for antibodies (AB) against the Corona virus, which are present in the body after a Corona infection or vaccination. An antibody test provides information about whether a Corona infection has already occurred and whether the body has developed immunity to the same infection.

Trinicum's antibody tests also provide quantitative information about the level of antibodies.

Which antibody test is right for me?

We currently offer three options to detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and assess protection against infections. All three tests comply with WHO standards.

1. Basic Antibody Test

This antibody test is classified as a "mixed test", so the antibodies are not classified as IgM or IgG, for example. The test result indicates whether antibodies have been detected or not.

The routine antibody test of an ELISA assay by Roche detects antibodies against the spike protein and its receptor binding domain (RBD).

The neutralizing effect is based on an estimation. This means that the degree of actual effectiveness of the antibodies against the virus can differ significantly from the laboratory result. This test is suitable for determining whether a vaccination effect is present and provides a rough assessment of the antibody effect and for the 3-G regulation.

Cost including blood collection: 52 Euro

2. Gold Standard: Surrogate Antibody Test

Through our exclusive cooperation with the Center for Virology at the Medical University of Vienna, we can conduct the Surrogate Antibody Test as the only provider in Austria. This analysis method by the Center for Virology at the Medical University of Vienna is currently the gold standard for determining the actual neutralizing effect of antibodies against the virus.

As the successor to the neutralization test, it is currently the most accurate method for determining the degree of protective effect after infection and/or vaccination. This test specifically looks for the antibodies that actually neutralize the virus (Neutralizing Antibodies). According to current research, this test is the best method for assessing the activity of the immune cells.

The value is given in percentage of neutralization. This test automatically includes an ELISA test (value in BAU/ml - Binding Antibody Units/Milliliter). This test is suitable for determining the actual level of protection against a new infection and for the 3-G regulation.

Result according to WHO standard.

Cost including blood collection: € 88

For special concerns (immunosuppression, etc.), we offer special tests for assessing the immune situation in cooperation with the Center for Virology at the Medical University of Vienna. Please contact us with any questions or special concerns: office(at)

3. SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antibody Test

This test is used to detect antibodies against the viral envelope of the virus, which are only formed after a past infection, not after vaccination. With a SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antibody Test, a previously unnoticed infection can be detected.

Cost including blood collection: € 40

Where can I schedule an appointment?

You can schedule appointments online at or by phone at +43 1 907 60 30. You only need to decide which test to choose at the time of blood collection.

Where does the blood collection take place?

Blood collection takes place at the TRINICUM medical center:
Schwarzenbergplatz 6, entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Vienna

Can I combine the antibody test with other blood tests?

Of course, all antibody tests can be supplemented with an extended preventive examination and a micronutrient profile for an additional fee. You do not need to decide in advance, but please inform us on-site.

Are there special corporate offers?

We are happy to tailor a package to your needs. Contact us at service(at) and we will contact you promptly for a needs analysis. You will receive your individual offer promptly.

Questions about the PCR test: Combination test Influenza-Corona

The same information as for the PCR test applies (see above). Two additional virus strains (Influenza A+B) are analyzed within one test procedure.

Questions about the antigen rapid test

What is an antigen rapid test?

An antigen rapid test can detect viral antigens of SARS-CoV-19 within 15 minutes.

How much does an antigen test cost?

The antigen test costs €19. Group price for antigen tests for 10 or more people: 10 Euro (Sunday 15 Euro)

IconOrder antigen tests to the webshop →

Questions about test execution

I am having issues with my testing, where can I get help?

If you have problems with the testing process, receiving the test result, or similar issues, you can contact us at diagnostics(at)

You can reach us during our opening hours:

  • Service availability: weekdays, Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 15:30 and Friday 09:00 to 14:00
  • City Test Center at Trinicum LAB - Sample collection: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 14:00
  • Our test hotline: +43 1 907 60 30-36

Where can I drop off my sample?

On Zaunergasse 4, to the right of the building door, there is a collection box. Test samples (paternity tests, self-tests, occult tests) can be dropped off there.

To ensure timely evaluation of COVID-19 tests, the following drop-off times apply on weekdays from Monday to Friday:

  • Drop-off from Monday to Friday until 13:30 – result on the same day
  • Drop-off from Monday to Thursday after 13:30 – result on the next day
  • Drop-off on Friday after 13:30 or on a public holiday – result on the next working day

How do I receive my test result?

You will receive the test result from us via email or SMS, depending on your personal preference.

What should I do if I do not receive a test result?

The result is sent as an encrypted file and may end up in the spam folder, so you should first check your spam folder. If you do not find your result there, you can contact us at diagnostics(at) at any time. Please provide your name and date of birth.

In which language will I receive the result?

You will receive the result in German and English.

In which languages is the certificate for the Corona test issued?

The certificate for the PCR test is issued by us in German and English. If necessary, we can issue official forms for entry into Japan, which cost 30 Euro. Please have your passport ready for processing.

What happens in case of a positive test result?

In the event of a positive test result, you will be contacted by email and SMS as soon as the result arrives.

Are children also tested at Trinicum diagnostics?

There is no age restriction for testing. For young children, we recommend a PCR test at our location to ensure the test is performed correctly. Children from the age of eight can easily perform a self-test, but they should be supervised and assisted. Minors must appear for the test appointment accompanied by their legal guardian or with a written consent from the legal guardian.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-36
Mail: service(at)

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