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General information about colorectal cancer

1) What is colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer is a cancer that primarily develops in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It originates from the covering skin or mucosa of the intestine and initially forms polyps, fungus-like protrusions. These are precursors of cancer, carcinoma. The intermediate stage is also called an adenoma.

2) How many people die from colorectal cancer each year?

According to the Austrian Cancer Aid, about 5000 people in Austria develop colorectal cancer each year, and 3000 die from it.

3) For whom is colorectal cancer screening suitable?

Colorectal cancer screening is suitable for everyone, women and men, from the age of 40. The National Screening Committee recommends 10-yearly colonoscopy and annual stool blood tests from the age of 45. If there is a known family history of colorectal cancer, screening may need to be performed earlier or at shorter intervals.

4) What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer is not noticeable for a long time. Only changes in stool habits or blood in it and abdominal pain can indicate colorectal cancer. If the colorectal cancer is already more advanced, weight loss and fatigue may occur. A bowel obstruction is an emergency and must be treated immediately.

5) Which screening is right for me?

There are numerous preventive examinations, which are divided into general medical, dermatological and internal medicine examinations as well as gender-specific examinations. A common health exam is advised every year.

For women, an annual Pap smear is also recommended, as well as an HPV test every three years, and a mammogram every two years after the age of 40.

For women and men, colorectal cancer screening is recommended from the age of 45. The annual stool test and colonoscopy every 7-10 years are appropriate.

For men, in addition to regular independent palpation of the testicles, screening for prostate cancer is recommended beginning at the age of 45. Urinary examinations are also to be performed from the 40th birthday due to developing bladder cancer.

Information about the occult test

1 ) What is an occult test?

One way to participate in screening is to look for "hidden" (occult) blood in the stool. Cancerous tumors and their precursors (polyp) are located on the inside of the intestine. They are very fine and easily injured. Even if the outgoing blood is not visible to the naked eye, small amounts can already be detected by an occult test.

There are several different occult tests. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. All of them are used for colorectal cancer screening and can prevent severe stages of the disease if degenerated cells are detected in time.

Method: gFOBT

Provider: HemoCARE
Sensitivity: 50-75%
Specificity: 96-98%
Disadvantages: Food supplements influence the test result
Advantages: Colon carcinoma bleeds sporadically; sampling on three consecutive days is more targeted; Shelf life of the sample: several days; favorable

Method: iFOBT

Provider: MöLab
Sensitivity: 93.60%
Specificity: 99.20%
Disadvantages: Shelf life of the sample: max. 3 days; more expensive
Advantages: One time sample collection; Flawless evaluation - exclusively human blood

Both occult tests can easily be performed at home. This means that, depending on the test method, you take a sample from the stool or stool from three different locations on the stool surface on three consecutive days. You send the samples back to us and we evaluate your stool sample.

If the result is positive, this does not mean that you have colorectal cancer. For example, menstruation or certain foods can falsify the result. In any case, you should go to your trusted doctor to get an accurate result by colonoscopy.

2) How long does it take to perform an occult test?

The sample collection requires a few minutes after the bowel movement.

Haemocculttest Colorectal Cancer TrinicumIn the case of the gFOBT Hemoccult (HemoCARE company), the sample is taken at three consecutive bowel movements. Accordingly, the test phase lasts.

FOB Test Colorectal Cancer TrinicumWith the iFOBT (MöLAB company), the collection of a single sample is sufficient. Thus, the sample collection is completed within a few minutes after defecation.

Trinicum LAB requires 2 to 4 working days until the findings are transmitted.

Drop-off point for test samples

A collection box is located at Zaunergasse 4, to the right of the building door. Test samples (paternity tests, Corona self-tests, occult tests) can be dropped off there.

To ensure same-day evaluation of COVID-19 tests, the sample must be dropped off no later than 1:30 p.m. on weekdays. 

3) Is the occult test painful?

The occult test is completely painless. Samples are only taken from stool that has already been excreted.

4) When is the occult test recommended, when the colonoscopy?

In principle, both examinations are recommended from the age of 45. The occult test should be performed annually and the colonoscopy every 10 years as part of preventive care. Colonoscopy is still considered the "gold standard" for colorectal cancer screening. Compared to annual stool testing, it is less expensive. If a polyp is missed, it may have grown into cancer by the time of the next examination in 10 years. Both testing methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

5) How much does an occult test cost?

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6) Is there a special company offer?

We offer special conditions to companies. Please contact our service team at +43 1 907 60 30-52 or via e-mail service(at)

7) How much time do I have to take for testing?

The sample collection itself takes only a few minutes. With the iFOBt, this is done with one sample collection.

For the gFOBT (Hemocare), you should make sure that you examine your stool on three consecutive days or on three consecutive bowel movements when you start the test.

8) How long does the evaluation of the occult test take?

It usually takes two to four working days for the laboratory analysis to be sent after the sample collection is received by mail or via drop-off at the City Test Center at Trinicum Lab.

9) How do I receive my test result?

During the online registration in advance, your e-mail address was already recorded. We will send you your test result to this e-mail address.

10) What should I do if I do not receive a test result?

If you have not received a test result ten working days after submitting your sample, please contact our service team at +43 1 907 60 30-52 or via service(at)

11) I received a negative test result. What does that mean?

In this case, no blood was detected in your stool. If you are still concerned about your intestinal health, please feel free to consult a doctor at any time.

12) I received a positive test result. What does that mean?

In this case, blood has been detected in your stool. For this reason, you should definitely consult a doctor for further clarification.

13) How do I perform the gFOBT (HemoCARE) occult test?

After registering online for the occult test, testing can begin. The test kit contains three test pads that are filled with stool samples on three consecutive days or bowel movements.

gFOBT When you start the test, write your first and last name and the date of the respective sampling on the test. Open the test envelope with the three sample fields and cover them with lentil-sized samples of the surface of your stool.  Close the test envelope again and store it protected from light and heat until prompt shipment.

In any case, follow the instructions enclosed with the test kit.

14) How do I perform the iFOBT (MöLab) occult test?

After online registration for the occult test, testing can be started. The test kit contains a tube filled with liquid with a sampling swab.

iFOBT Open the tube and insert the spiral rod approx. 2 cm deep into the stool sample at 3 different locations. Close the tube again and send it immediately by mail to Trinicum LAB.

In any case, follow the instructions enclosed with the test kit.

15) Are there false positive results?

If your result is positive, consult a doctor in any case!
Of course, bleeding after dental surgery, hemorrhoids or menstruation can also lead to bloody stools and thus a positive result with the iFOBT and gFOBT. The same applies to the consumption of raw or semi-raw meat, acetyl acid, vitamin C and iron in the gFOBT.

Information about colonoscopy

1) What is a colonoscopy?

During a colonoscopy, a small tube is inserted from the anus through the rectum to the junction of the colon and small intestine. Equipped with a camera, light and snare, a search is made for protrusions in the rectum and colon. If a polyp is detected, for example, it is removed immediately.

The examination is performed by a specialist. The Austrian Cancer Aid recommends qualified centers for this purpose. There, you can be sure that the examination will be performed completely painlessly with a light twilight sleep.

2) How long does it take to perform a colonoscopy?

The colonoscopy itself takes only a few minutes. Due to the light anesthesia, a few hours of stay should be taken into account. The ability to drive is limited.
In addition, this examination is accompanied by bowel evacuation. This should be started about 24 hours before the examination.

3) Is the colonoscopy painful?

In earlier times, colonoscopy could be painful. Now doctors differentiate between a "gentle" colonoscopy and a "regular" colonoscopy. The only difference is that during a gentle colonoscopy, a drug is administered that puts you into a twilight sleep. At qualified colonoscopy centers, you can be sure the exam is done gently. Because of the anesthesia, the occasional contact by the examination equipment with the intestinal mucosa is no longer felt.

4) When is the occult test recommended, when the colonoscopy?

In principle, both examinations are recommended from the age of 45. The occult test should be performed annually and the colonoscopy every 10 years as part of preventive care. Colonoscopy is still considered the "gold standard" for colorectal cancer screening. Compared to annual stool testing, it is less expensive. If a polyp is missed, it may have grown into cancer by the time of the next examination in 10 years. Both testing methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Service requests

1) I have lost my occult test. Is it possible to receive a new test?
In this case, please contact our service team at +43 1 907 60 30-52 or via email at service(at)

2) My test kit is incomplete. Who can I contact?
In this case, please contact our service team at +43 1 907 60 30-52 or via email at service(at)

3) What can I do if my QR code does not work?
In this case, use the link that leads to the required target page. You can find the QR code as well as the link on the front of the blue envelope with the test kit contents.

4) Where can I obtain my test as a private purchaser?
You can find the occult test in our online store Trinicum diagnostics. Upon request, you can also purchase it directly at the City Test Center in the Trinicum LAB (Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna).

5) Where can I turn to if I have problems with my testing?
In this case, please contact our service team at +43 1 907 60 30-52 or via email at service(at)

6) How do I receive the result?
When the laboratory has completed the analysis, you will be notified of the result via e-mail. This usually takes two to four working days after receipt of the sample collection by mail or via drop-off at the City Test Center at Trinicum LAB (Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna).

Drop-off point for test samples

A collection box is located at Zaunergasse 4, on the right hand side of the building door. Test samples (paternity tests, Corona self-tests, occult tests) can be handed in there.

To ensure same-day evaluation of COVID-19 tests, the sample must be dropped off no later than 1:30 p.m. on weekdays, Monday through Friday.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-52
Mail: service(at)

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