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Relationship test using
DNA analysis

Father? Mother? Child? - TRINICUM diagnostics offers a comprehensive range of DNA analyses.

Paternity Test

Paternity Test

Using DNA analysis, you can quickly and discreetly gain certainty.

Maternity Test

Maternity Test

Maternity test as an easy self-test at Trinicum diagnostics.



More information about the prices of DNA analyses.



Trinicum diagnostics or Trinicum Lab would be happy to inform you personally about the test procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

Questions about paternity are not uncommon. Children often live in uncertainty as to whether they are the biological child of their parents. Resolving concerns can be important for all involved for several reasons.

Trinicum diagnostics has developed a relationship test to answer open questions. This is based on a comparative analysis of the lengths of specific DNA markers using PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction). DNA segments from at least two test persons are specifically amplified and compared, and the probability is calculated using software.

Sample: Only oral mucosal cells are evaluated. Ideally, these are taken under pressure by swiping a swab along the inside of the cheek. Special samples such as toothbrushes can also be used for sample evaluation.

Possible relationship tests using DNA analysis:

If you have questions about the DNA analyses offered? Contact us, we are happy to advise you!


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-37
Mail: service(at)trinicum.com

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