Frequently Asked

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

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Paternity test sample collection

DNA analysis can be used to determine or exclude a relationship, such as paternity, maternity or sibling relationship. You can find the most important information here.

Sample: Only oral mucosal cells are used for evaluation. Ideally, these are taken under pressure by swabbing the inside of the cheeks. Special samples such as toothbrushes can also be used for sample evaluation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at any time: service[ät] or Mon to Thu 9:00-15:30 and Fri 09:00 to 14:00 at +43 1 907 60 30 - 52

Kinship analyses at Trinicum diagnostics:

  • Safe: Your samples are analyzed with the utmost care in accordance with all laws applicable in Austria and the European Union. In compliance with quality standards (ISO 9001:2015), the samples are evaluated in our Trinicum LAB.
  • Easy: In each test kit there is a small card with a link to step-by-step instructions. 
  • Fast: The regular evaluation speed "standard" is 3 to 6 working days (Mon-Fri) from receipt of the sample in the laboratory. For a particularly fast evaluation within 1 to 2 working days (Mon-Fri), select "Fast evaluation". For fast transmission, our laboratory works almost around the clock. 

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1) What is a paternity or kinship test?

Every human being has inherited his DNA in equal parts from both parents. Because this pattern is so unique, sections in the genetic material (STR - Short Tandem Repeat) can provide information about the relationship to father, mother or siblings. The European Network for Forensic Science (ENFSI) recommends considering nine STR markers for an unambiguous analysis. Trinicum diagnostics uses 16 to 27 markers depending on the kinship analysis - thus we offer a higher accuracy than recommended.

2) How does a relationship test work?

The relationship test is a DNA test based on a comparative analysis of STR markers by capillary electrophoresis. The STR markers are amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and compared based on their lengths. DNA is extracted from the oral mucosa of the test subjects. The DNA is then amplified by PCR. After PCR, the DNA is analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The probability that the test persons are related to each other is then calculated.

Paternity test Trinicum diagnostics

3) How long does the analysis take and how do I receive the result?

The result report will be sent within 3 to 6 working days (Mon-Fri) for "standard analysis" and within 1 to 2 working days (Mon-Fri) for "fast analysis" from receipt of the sample material in the laboratory via e-mail to the contact person named during registration. This is an encrypted e-mail. The contact person receives a code via SMS for access. This code can be used to open the e-mail and thus the results report. Since the purchase and the registration function separately, the purchaser and the contact person and test persons specified during registration do not have to be the same.

In case of any abnormalities in the sample quality, we will immediately contact the contact person provided during registration.

4) How reliable is the DNA analysis? 

In a kinship test, significantly less than one percent of the genetic information of the tested persons is checked. Nevertheless, a reliable test result is made according to the highest quality standard and kinship is considered practically proven. The percentage is calculated by a special software. This software takes into account not only STR gene fragments but also population genetic influences: Traits in certain populations (Caucasians/Europeans, Asians, Hispanics, Africans) are inherited with different frequencies, which is taken into account in the probability calculation of the software. The exact percentage is calculated individually for the tested persons and this evaluation is recorded in your result report.

5) Why is the origin of the individuals under investigation queried?

The individual STRs we test have statistically different frequencies in different populations around the world. In order to create a test that is better tailored to you with the highest possible significance, the probabilities of the distribution of the STRs of the population group most closely related to you (Caucasians/Europeans, Africans, Asians, Hispanics) are included in the statistics for evaluation.

6) What does the result report of a kinship test look like?

You will receive a detailed result report: it contains information about the method, the result of the analysis, the evaluation of the data and their interpretation.

7) How is the saliva sample (epithelial cells) taken?

Oral mucosa is collected from the inside of the cheek using a sterile swab. To do this, the swab included in the test kit is rotated up and down on the inside of both cheeks with pressure at least 10 times. For better sample material, this procedure should be repeated on the gums as well as under the tongue. This sampling is simple, painless and self-performable.
Alternatively, you can have the sample collection performed at our City Test Center Vienna in the Trinicum Lab :

  • Stop by the City Test Center at Trinicum LAB with your test kit that you have already purchased online and have the sample taken on site. 
  • Purchase the paternity test directly on site including sample collection. 

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8) Is the collection of the saliva sample (epithelial cells) painful?

No. It can therefore already be performed on newborns. For this purpose, oral mucosa is taken with a cotton swab (stick swab).

9) What is the procedure with a special sample?

A relationship analysis can also be performed with an alternative sample material. This is something that has been in contact with the DNA of the person being tested. Particularly suitable are:

  • Dental floss
  • Cigarette butt
  • Chewing gum
  • Finger nails of adults 

Other special samples are available on request. Contact us at service[ät]

10) What must be taken into account with a special sample?

The special sample of one person must not come into contact with the DNA of another person, otherwise it will be contaminated. You can find out the best way to do this in the step-by-step instructions provided at the time of purchase.  
Important: In order to be able to send in a special sample, the test kit must already be configured accordingly at the time of purchase.

11) To which countries is the relationship test shipped?

Our products are shipped to Austria and Germany.

12) What is included in a test kit?

Each test kit contains 

  • A welcome card with individual code for digital step-by-step instructions and registration of all test subjects
  • A return envelope
  • One swab with barcode for each saliva sample purchased (epithelial cells)
  • A plastic bag with barcode for each special sample purchased

13) How does the laboratory evaluation work?

The evaluation is performed by analyzing STRs (Short Tandem Repeats). STRs are short DNA sequences with repeating base pair sequences. The number of repeats at the STR locus (region) varies among individuals and is therefore used for genetic comparative analysis of individuals. DNA genotyping using STR markers is currently the gold standard for performing kinship analysis. At Trinicum diagnostics, 15 to 23 selected STR loci (specific, fixed positions on chromosomes where certain genes or certain genetic markers are located) plus sex-determining markers are amplified via PCR. Fragment length is measured using capillary electrophoresis. This method is based on the movement of electrically charged particles in a medium under the influence of an electric field. In this way, long fragments separate from short fragments. The lengths of the STRs of the persons tested are then compared using software. 

14) With what certainty can a relationship be ruled out?

If the STR loci (specific, fixed positions on the chromosomes where certain genes or certain genetic markers are located) between the test persons show hardly any similarities, a relationship is ruled out 100 percent.

15) with what certainty can a relationship be determined?

Kinship testing provides a reliable test result according to the highest quality standard. In this process, the STR loci (specific, fixed positions on the chromosomes where certain genes or certain genetic markers are located) coincide between the tested individuals to a high degree and the exact probability is calculated by means of additional factors. The percentage differs slightly - depending on the frequency of inherited traits in the particular population (Caucasians/Europeans, Asians, Hispanics, Africans) of the tested individuals. The exact percentage is recorded in the results report. 

16) Why is it not possible to prove a 100% relationship?

Due to the rules of statistics, it is impossible for the probability calculation to reach 100%. The probability can reach approximately 100, but never exactly 100 percent. The exact value of the individual probability is shown on the result report.

17) What is the difference between the mother/paternity test and the sibling test?

Both tests are subject to different statistical evaluations. The child receives 50 percent of the genetic information from both the father and the mother. Siblings share 25 percent of this genetic information. These are identical between the siblings. This means that the statistical evaluations of the different kinship tests differ. Only with the knowledge of which analysis should be done, the test result is clearly provable. Buying a paternity test with the consideration of testing for siblings will not lead to a result any more than buying a sibling test with the question of whether the identity matches the mother or the father.

18) Does the STR analysis used in this procedure show relevant information about my genes?

No. The analysis used here only compares lengths of markers and does not analyze base pairs. Moreover, they account for less than one percent of the genetic information. The DNA segments examined do not contain any information about human characteristics; according to the current state of knowledge, they say nothing about hereditary dispositions, diseases or other characteristics. Only the sex is determined in the course of the analysis, since one of the markers used is sex-determining.

19) What laws are the evaluation subject to?

The evaluation is carried out in accordance with all laws applicable in Austria and the European Union and in compliance with quality standards in a laboratory that is certified in accordance with the internationally valid ISO 9001:2015 standard.
For the country of Austria there are no legal restrictions for the performance of private paternity or other relationship tests. 

20) Is a written consent of the tested persons required?

No written consent of the tested persons is required for kinship analysis in Austria.

21) is the test usable in court?

The test cannot be used in court and is for personal information only.

22) How will the test kit be shipped? 

We send the test kits in a discreet white envelope. It is not recognizable from the outside what has been ordered.

23) What do I have to keep in mind when storing the test kit?

Store the unopened swabs at room temperature. Observe the shelf life. This is indicated on the packaging.

24) What must be taken into account when storing samples?

Store the oral mucosa sample (in the tube) protected from light and between 4° and 25°C. Make sure that it is sent to us for further processing as soon as possible after collection (personal delivery or by mail).
Special samples (dental floss, cigarette butts, chewing gum, adult fingernails) should also reach us promptly (max. 1 week).  For other special samples contact us by e-mail: service[ät]

25) How does the return shipment of the test kit work?

A return envelope is included in your self-test kit. Please put all the components described in the instructions (e.g. swabs, plastic bags for special samples) in this envelope and send it back with a shipping service provider of your choice (e.g. post) as indicated on the envelope.
The costs for the return shipment are not included in the test kit and must be paid by you. 
Alternatively, you can drop off the test kit in the collection box or personally during our opening hours (Mon-Fr 09:00 to 14:00):

City Test Center
(in the Trinicum LAB)
Zaunergasse 4
AT - 1030 Vienna

The collection box is located at Zaunergasse 4, on the right hand side of the building door. Test samples (paternity tests, Corona self-tests, occult tests) can be dropped off there.

26) What happens if my submitted sample cannot be analyzed?

If the sample is not analyzable, we will do a new analysis with the sent sample. If the sample quality is not good enough, we will contact you.

In addition, sibling testing may yield an inconclusive relationship as a result. In this case, it could be a second-degree relationship (e.g. half-sibling, cousin-cousin), which can be substantiated with another sample such as a questionable common parent.

hat distinguishes the kinship analyses of Trinicum diagnostis from the others available on the market?

  • Safe: Your samples will be evaluated with the utmost care according to all laws in force in Austria and the European Union and in compliance with quality standards in a laboratory working according to the internationally valid standard ISO 9001:2015. If a sample cannot be evaluated due to poor sample quality, we will send you a new tube or plastic bag with a return envelope and repeat the analysis at our expense. Because we know that a relationship analysis is a highly emotional topic and we want to support you in the best possible way.
  • Simple: In your test kit you will find a small card with a link to the step-by-step instructions and registration. Everything is very simple and clear. If you need additional support in this extraordinary moment we are of course there for you: You can reach us at service[ät] or Mon to Thu 9:00-15:30 and Fri 09:00 to 14:00 at +43 1 907 60 30 - 52. 
  • Fast: Our laboratory works almost around the clock to provide you with the results report as quickly as possible. The regular evaluation speed "standard" is 3 to 6 working days (Mon-Fri) from receipt of the sample in the laboratory. For a particularly fast evaluation within 1 to 2 working days (Mon-Fri), select the "Fast evaluation".

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-37
Mail: service(at)

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