Paternity Test

Using DNA analysis, you can quickly and discreetly gain certainty.

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If you want quick and accurate answers to your paternity questions, order a DNA paternity test for home. The sample will be evaluated according to Austrian law. Therefore, the presence of witnesses during the collection is not necessary.

Paternity test

We treat every customer with care and respect because we know that every DNA testing situation is unique and personal.

Guaranteed Accuracy

The laboratory analysis and evaluation take place in the medically managed genetics laboratory certified according to ISO 9001. The paternity is proven or ruled out with a minimum of 99.99% probability.

Sample: Only oral mucosal cells are used for evaluation. Ideally, these are taken under pressure by swabbing the inside of the cheek. Special samples such as toothbrushes can also be used for sample evaluation.

Individual and discreet

In addition to the usual oral mucosal cell swab, other samples can also be analyzed. Suitable examples are dental floss, toothbrush, toenails. Your test kit will be sent in a neutral envelope and reveals nothing about the specific contents. This allows you to carry out the DNA test very discreetly.

Fast Test Result

Since the evaluation takes place in our own laboratory, quick turnaround times are possible. The electronic report will be electronically transmitted to you within 3 to 7 working days (Mon-Fri) after the sample arrives. For the procedure

Data Protection and Security

We protect your data with the utmost care. You will receive a detailed report via our secure findings platform. Data protection is carried out according to the highest medical standards.

An Affordable Price

We offer high-quality, reliable DNA tests at affordable prices and immediate free delivery.

The most important information about the paternity test can be found in our "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)". For further questions, you can contact us at any time: service(at)


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-37
Mail: service(at)

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