Maternity Test

Maternity test as an easy self-test at Trinicum diagnostics.

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Half of our genetic material comes from the mother and the other half from the father. In a maternity test, the genetic information of the child and the mother are compared. Comparing the length of Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) is currently the method of choice. Several of these STRs are analyzed simultaneously and compared between mother and child. They provide a high level of information about the relationship. The result reliably confirms maternity to the highest quality standard.

Sample: Only oral mucosal cells are used for evaluation. Ideally, these are taken under pressure by swabbing the inside of the cheeks. Special samples such as toothbrushes can also be used for sample evaluation.

You can take the oral mucosal cells yourself at home or have them done at our City Test Center at Trinicum LAB (Zaunergasse 4, 1030 Vienna):

1) Come to the City Test Center at Trinicum LAB with your already purchased paternity test alias maternity test and have the sample taken on site. You can find the current price here.

2) Buy the paternity test alias maternity test in our online shop or directly on site including sample collection. You can find the current price here.

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For convenient sample collection from home, a swab of the inside of the cheeks is completely sufficient. The sample material must not be touched by any other person after collection to avoid contamination. Therefore, do not touch the swab, the thread, or the cap.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30-37
Mail: service(at)

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